• Integer vitae nulla!

    By Corey Rose!

    Christianity and Adolescents are both full of passion. So why aren't more young people in the faith?

  • Suspendisse neque tellus


    Notes from Willow Creek's TRANSFORMATION INTENSIVE: A conference on spiritual transformation. Featuring Dr. Dallas Willard, Dr. Henry Cloud, Chris Webb, Bill Hybels, Peter Scazzero.

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    Curabitur faucibus

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Dr. Henry Cloud
Dr. Henry Cloud
“Necessary Endings”

About 95% of today’s thoughts will be the same thoughts as yesterday.

1) GOOD but not BEST  -80% - 20% principle
Churches horde activities, ministries, etc... but “it might grow, we might need that...” -we gather activities that are “good” but their season has passed.

Perhaps the real life of the church is in 20% of what it’s doing right now. “What currently exists that’s not aligned with the new vision you’re headed.”

2) Sick and not well
No matter how much we love it, it’s just not going to work.  There is a time to search and a time to give up as “lost.”
    -leaders fall in love with their ministry, but it can be codependent and effect the whole team. Reject a divisive person / ministry etc...

3) Prune DEAD stuff
Go through your weekly meeting “above” that thought - and talk about the WEEKLY MEETING for example.  

Get rid of stuff that’s just in the way.  “We do have a new focus around here, and it’s this vision.”  
    -continually have people buy in to the vision with time and resources.


1) Clear vision, no confusion, clearly articulated
    eg: as you work on a vision, write down what your new vision is on a sticky note in 1 minute.  “If it’s not clear with your leadership team, how clear will it be in the nursery?” It’s got to be clear throughout the organization.

Sometimes each ministry leader has their own vision.

2) If you’re to change it, you must create a sense of urgency.  
    -Leaders must create this within the organization.
        a. There must be a fear of “what will happen if we don’t do this”
            -give understanding
        b. then present “Here are the opportunities if we DO do this”

3) Create a Change Coalition or “change strategy team”
    a. The group will look at How the change is going.
        -different people at different levels of the ministry-
            -who do they follow? who matters to them? GET THEM together
            -who do you need to take to lunch?
    b. from the top levels, display, show, and live out your commitment to this.  
        -spend time on it
        -don’t spend your time on the “urgent, not vital.”
        -demonstrate by example the change you want people to follow
    c. you’ve got to change the organization where it needs to be changed to align with the new strategy that you’ve messaged.
        -it must change to support the new vision
        -includes the entire flow of how people are empowered to do things

One of the biggest reasons Campus Crusade did so much is that IF SOMEBODY came to the CEO with an idea or vision, he would empower them and set them free.  They would go grow it.  Empower your entrepreneurial leadership to get it done today.
    d. promise yourself that you’re gonna run in to 3 groups of people       
        Leaders get derailed by the resisters
        i. those who are going to love the change
        ii. the sceptics will question and tell you why it won’t work
            -You job is to win them over. They’re honestly sceptical so win them over. DON’T BE AFRAID of this group. This is what leadership is about.  It’s MOST of the body - and they’re winnable.  
        iii. the “no-no’s” - the people who just say “no.” They’re not changeable. They’ll actively resist and create problems.  YOU MUST NEUTRALIZE them. If someone’s not going, they need to get “pruned.”  Paul “gave a person over to Satan...” that’s pruning.
            Here’s how to deal with them:
            a. distract them, get them so far away they don’t know what’s happening   
            b. get rid of them - I can’t have a foot on the accelerator and yours on the brake.  You have 30 days to decide...
            -make short term victories very well noted. When what we’re talking about is really done on a small scale, show them to the body and what it looks like - illustrate short term wins.
            c. integrate them into the conversation in the context of everybody else who’s on board then it will become very clear that they have an agenda

when you hire new people, make sure they’re aligned.

There’s probably a 1:1 correlation with the life-giving of your vision with how much pain that will be associated with it.  You must be prepared for some hard moments.  

-If the demographics have changed... or ?? and you start “taking away the choir robes,” then you have Messed with People’s lives! And if they’re not Christ centered and it’s about their kingdom, then they cry VICTIM to other people.  BUT YOU HAVE GOT TO HAVE YOUR TEAM TOGETHER where you guys are one.  Jesus’ change group in the upper room, he prayed “that they might be one as you and I are one.” Our unity will enable us to go through change.

Be sure the changes come through in grace and truth.  Don’t give them bullets.  

“In the world you have tribulations but take courage.” -God is involved in ending things and leaving things, difficult conversations... but He will empower you.


Notes by Corey Rose during a “Transformation Intensive” general session May 4-6th. Notes on “Leading Change” by Henry Cloud may be the property of Henry Cloud.


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