• Integer vitae nulla!

    By Corey Rose!

    Christianity and Adolescents are both full of passion. So why aren't more young people in the faith?

  • Suspendisse neque tellus


    Notes from Willow Creek's TRANSFORMATION INTENSIVE: A conference on spiritual transformation. Featuring Dr. Dallas Willard, Dr. Henry Cloud, Chris Webb, Bill Hybels, Peter Scazzero.

  • Curabitur faucibus

    Curabitur faucibus

    This isn't my image, new content coming soon

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christian Club, SWAT, is kicked out of local high school

Today marked the beginning; and temporary end of my personal involvement - in the fourth month of the weekly S.W.A.T. (Students With A Testimony) club meetings at Pinole Valley High School.  The club, organized and run by students at the school is held in a classroom where all students are invited to hear a message based on the Christian Faith, coming from the MyCampus curriculum.  During the week, students post fliers and invite friends to come eat pizza during the growing, vibrant club meeting and hear a fellow student or one of several area youth pastors, who have been invited by the students, bring a relevant message blending youth culture with the Christian faith.

This afternoon, however, it all changed.  The principal of the school stopped into the classroom briefly during the meeting and told the teacher present that she wanted these sessions to end and to have me come to her office after it was over.

The senior student who initiated the club, Jacob "Bubba" Hernandez, Myself and another youth pastor, Josh Herndon from Central Assembly, went to her office.  The principal, Ms. Sue Kahn stated that the SWAT club was initiated several years ago as "a group that meets with a common interest in prayer. That's it."  Not Christian. "Because if it were one particular religion," she went on, "that would open up the scary door for every other religion to meet on campus, including the satanists and muslims."  Excuse me? They, too have a right to meet on campus.
"This is still America, isn't it?" I asked.  She told me that Bubba couldn't even hold a Christian meeting of any kind on her campus.  And I, a youth pastor, am "definitely not allowed on campus" at all. 

I told her that Bubba knew his rights and I know my rights, and we have a right to meet on campus as a Christian club.  Not to mention that the SWAT club's bylaws are written as a Christian club meeting.  When I told her that "things don't have to get any bigger than right here in this room if you'll allow us to continue meeting as we have been," to which she replied, "whatever that means, so be it.  I'll call the superintendent today."

Today, I too will contact the superintendent, the Lord, and if necessary, the media, the ACLJ... 

I'll see you in the classroom soon Bubba, standing with you and your fellow students to "Figh the Power" of the devil, Corey.  -I'm out-


Anonymous said...
January 5, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Way to go mr.rose it nancy and I used to go their. I can believe what khan did. Call the super and take it to the media I think that's a good idea. For expampls there's a gay/lesbian club at the school but yet I have not seen one for the straight pool metrosexual or whtevr just how there's many different ethnic clubs at the school why can't there be different religion groups I don't see any wrong with that!! Keep doing wht your doing rose!! Blessing to you Glenda mama Johanna and the baby love ya guys and I miss your bible class I learns so much there!! Peace :)

Abdon said...
January 5, 2010 at 3:54 PM

Bring it ON!

Anonymous said...
January 5, 2010 at 4:30 PM

Way to go Mr. Rose. Btw, its me, Steven. Keep fighting to keep SWAT at PVHS. I shall keep praying for you, your family, the challenges you may face, and that you overcome those challenges. Good Luck Mr. Rose.

Anonymous said...
January 5, 2010 at 8:01 PM

Legally speaking, it seems like an easy win for SWAT. Regardless, I'm praying for you all.

Aria Priest said...
January 6, 2010 at 8:26 AM

It seems pretty funny that Christians seem to be picked on the most any more as far as not being aloud to say anything or gather. It is almost as if we get persecuted because of our religion. Teachers losing their job for teaching all sides of History, not just Darwinism, but creationism. Employees getting fired for praying with others before work. I am surprised they still swear to tell the truth, so help them God. I guess any one that is any religion is persecuted for it, but I just see a scary trend coming for us as Christians in the future.

All in all we have a constitutional right to have freedom of religion and to tell any one any where in America that they cannot practice their religion is against our constitutional rights as Americans.

Pastor Corey, we need to fight the good fight and help those that need our help. I will pray for the principal and your fellow SWAT members. Until then if you would like the video departments help with recording any of these events, let me know. I will help out.

Much Blessings,

Carolyn said...
January 6, 2010 at 10:43 AM

Wow Corey , this is my old school and i am truly ashamed that the freedom of religion on a campus is being refused to those that would like to practice there rights. the muslims and any other so called people of whatever faith they have is allowed so subtle into our society and we are not even the wiser for it, before you know it it id there..Corey , your in my prayers, Bubba your in my prayers, i know Corey from school you have a passion for what your doing and i am with you all the way, you made me think about what is it that i am willing to do for Christ that will last???

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