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Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 Reasons Why Evolution is a Religion

A recent debate over whether to put creationism into textbooks has sparked debate among the Church of  Evolutionism.

You just may stop reading after my statement, "evolution is a religion."  Why wouldn't you stop reading?  You disagree immediately, or perhaps you think I'm trying to start a new religion.

But ask the question "what is a religion?"  And you'll likely get as many answers as people you ask.  But let's boil it down to this: RELIGION is the sum total of the answers to these three questions: 1) ORIGINS: How did we get here?  2) PURPOSE: What's the point of life?  3) DEATH: What happens after we die?

Any philosophy that answers these questions has crossed over into "religion territory," and is ready to start collecting offerings and followers.  They're making plans to hire a pastor and teachers, and will soon be broadcasting on radios and TV's around the world.  They'll have their own authors, music and prophets.  And the followers will be united and identified by their creed.

How does evolutionism qualify as a religion? 1) ORIGINS: 16-20 Billion years ago, nothing exploded, and created everything. That's right.  And the rains came down on the planet Earth, which was a rock back then and lightning struck and life occurred in a puddle. The assertion is that all living things have a common ancestor. That dogs, cats, humans and bananas all have the same great great great grandfather. And that the "fossil 'record'" is evidence of this.

2) PURPOSE:  Since I am then a product of random chance, there is no such thing as good or evil, and thus right or wrong.  So the religion of evolution tells its followers, "if it feels good, do it!" This has become the mantra for generations of Pastor Darwin's church followers.  They have written about scores of philosophy books, sang about it in rap videos and now teach it in grade schools.  If there is no such thing as a moral law-giver, then there is no such thing as a moral law.  So each person becomes the law unto him or herself.

3)  ENDINGS:  When we die, we return to the earth. That's it. No afterlife, no reincarnation, no angels, no devils, we just cease to exist.  In fact, several of the bishops in the church of evolution will tell us that we're part of the problem. In fact, Darwin's Bible, "The Origin of the Species" has a rarely quoted subtitle, ""The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."  This would actually suggest that the quicker some people make it to the grave, the better for all of us (if you're "favoured" of course).

And the prophets of the church of Darwin, holding his Bible have been many, but the most notable?  Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin to name a few.  These are heroes of the faith, even martyrs.

So I ask you, WHY is it a bad idea to include creationism as a possibility in the question of origins?


Kirk said...
March 11, 2010 at 2:36 PM

Your straw man arguments against science are painfully embarrassing. I suggest you attempt to educate yourself by reading up on the basics of modern science.

Unknown said...
March 11, 2010 at 2:54 PM

Modern science teaches us that you have a theory that hasn't been proven a fact after 150+ years, it's probably time for a new theory.

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